Good Friday 2020

Communion is an important part of Good Friday services. This year we are not able to meet in person, so we are planning on having communion during our on line services.

To do that you need to prepare the communion elements in your home and have them ready the evening of Friday 4/10. Here’s what you need:

1) Grape juice or wine. If you don’t have that you could try cranberry juice. If possible try to find a fruit juice that is red in color. That better fits the symbolism of Christ’s blood. Prepare enough glasses for people in your family who will take communion.

2) Bread of some kind. You could use small pieces of bread or crackers. Or pieces of tortilla or other flat bread. Any kind of bread will do. Prepare enough small pieces for the members of your family who will take communion.

Get this ready before the beginning of the Good Friday service. During the service the pastors will officiate communion. When it is time to eat the bread and drink the juice we will all do that together, just as we do at church.

We are on “stay at home” orders right now. If you go to the grocery store between now and 4/10 please get the supplies you need for communion.